Learn & practice
money skills for life

🧼 Built-in spending budgets & summaries
đŸș Save $ in Folders & learn delayed gratification
🧠 Learn money skills under a safe environment

đŸ‘Ș Manage allowance

A favourite place to money from parents, to be better at managing your money from budgeting, to saving.

Easily receive pay from chores!

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đŸŒ± Sort & Save your money, under one roof

Sort your allowance into savings goals such as an acoustic guitar, that new bike, charity or a friend's birthday gift.

Learn how to budget your money with instant summaries & "left-to-spend" notifications

Save without overspending or losing track of your savings goals.

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Don’t just take our word for it


Why is financial literacy important?

It isn’t easy learning how to be good at money. Schools don’t teach you and families don’t always talk about finances.

Consumers lacking financial literacy spend more on transaction fees, run up bigger debts, save less money and incur higher interest rates on loans (Lusardi and Tufano, 2015; Lusardi and de Bassa Scheresberg, 2013).

Meanwhile, benefits of financial literacy are manifold. People with strong financial skills do a better job planning and saving for retirement.
What gets us out of bed every morning
Get's mission is to teach young people financial literacy & responsibility from an earlier age by helping them practice money tools & learn about concepts under a safe & convenient environment.

We’re also firm believers that doing is the best way of learning. The upshot is that our product gives them a safe space to learn and occasionally, make mistakes: no debt, no overdrawn accounts, and with the option for parents to jump in and help out if needed.

Once they on their own, they'll be much better off & educated with their money.

Ultimately, we want every person to graduate from Get with confidence, independence and money sense. We want them to be fully prepared for the digital economy and the rise of a cashless society. And we want them to boldly face adulthood’s later financial pressures, fearlessly navigating some of life’s trickiest waters: their money.
The Get app & card were purpose-built. Teens & students get real-life lessons in earning, spending, saving, giving. Parents (if they want to) get the tools they need to manage their child's’ money.
Want to speak to a human?
You can contact us anytime for help or queries.

For Help: Existing customers can get help via the app. To contact the company, you may e-mail us at support@useget.com, or call us at +65 3105 1380 during business hours, 7 days a week.
How safe it it?
Get blocks ‘unsafe’ '18+' spending categories, sends real-time transaction notifications and provides unique spending controls - such as budgets & summaries.
We also provide additional layers of protection in the form of face or fingerprint recognition and the ability to freeze & unfreeze your card directly in the app instantly.

Since it's a prepaid card, not a credit card you'll never be able to spend what you don't have.
Is this a prepaid or credit card?
The NIUM card is a prepaid card, not a credit card. Parents or students load money onto the card. And because it’s a prepaid card, customers can never spend what isn’t there. That’s a pretty valuable life lesson.
Do I need to be in Singapore to open my GET account?
You'll need a mobile phone number issued by a SG mobile phone carrier like Singtel, M1, StarHub etc.
What's the maximum amount I can hold in my account?
S$1,000 at any point in time.
Why do I need a mobile phone number to create my account?
We use your cell phone number to verify your account login and make sure that only you can access your account. When you create an account, we'll send an SMS code as verification that your account is linked to the right mobile phone number.Your number must be a mobile phone number issued by a Singapore mobile phone carrier like Singtel, M1, StarHub, etc.
Do you check my credit history?
We don't do a credit check. We'll just need to collect & verify information you provide us.
Can I use my Get account immediately after signing up?
Definitely! Once you create a GET account, you can add money to your balance with a debit card or bank account from Singapore. With a funded account, you're ready to spend before your card even arrives!